A downloadable tool for Windows

Buy Now$5.00 USD or more

VR program for Oculus/Meta headsets on Windows for viewing your pictures, videos and listening to your favorite music in the background. This is just a quick experiment I threw together to try out Unreal engine for the first time and to try out their blueprints system. It is based on the Unreal VR Template, some Unreal assets I got in a Humble Bundle deal (Dekogan and Leartes), and a lot of custom blueprint coding to setup the dynamic import of sound, video and images.

The sound import is courtesy of using Runtime Audio Encoder plugin... it made the sound stuff super easy.

This program is being distributed as-is and will have no further development.


Please note: This program does not come with any images, videos or sound files, you have to provide them!

To use it, place your MP4 videos in the "VRVideoArtGallery\media\movies" folder.

Place your .jpeg, .jpg, .png images in the "VRVideoArtGallery\media\pics" folder

Place your .mp3, .ogg sound files in the "VRVideoArtGallery\media\sounds" folder

Alternatively, if you don't want to copy over your media to the internal program directories, you can use overrides.txt in the "VRVideoArtGallery" folder using the following format:

To override the default media/pics, media/videos, media/sounds content folders, create a text file called "overrides.txt" with commas separating three paths you prefer to use, all ran together. If this file exists, the program will open it at start and run the runtime content grabbers on those directories instead of its default media dirs.

Example to reset pics, images, sounds default media dirs:

Create overrides.txt file with the following line ONLY:


Please note if you use the overrides file, you MUST put in THREE comma-separated paths. It's all or nothing. You can just repeat the default path if you only want to change one path from default.

Also keep in mind that if you are using itch.io sandbox mode (you always should to protect yourself), you can't use overrides unless they point to folders within the program directory, and if you're going to do that, might as well just dump things into the pre-existing directories...


To make a video file play in a picture frame, point your vr hand towards the picture in question and squeeze the grip button. This should let you start/stop video playback.


Press Y or B on Oculus controllers to bring up the menu. Your options are:

RESET ORIENTATION: Resets the viewing

Reload Videos: Reload random videos
Reload Pictures: Reload random pictures
Reload Scene: Restart the program
Real World: Close program

Use left controller to turn, right joystick to select teleport destination, release to teleport


I'm moving on to learning GODOT, and it works well enough for my purposes, so probably won't fix these bugs, but just so you know:

Sometimes frames do not load a picture or video.

Sometimes playback on MP4 videos does not work for certain videos.

Sometimes a video loads with the wrong aspect ratio.

Sometimes the program loads to a black screen - in these cases, press ALT+F4 to force close the program.

Not really a bug per se, but I know this thing is huge for what it does. I tried removing unneeded assets from the project and still this thing is like 4 gigs...?!


Buy Now$5.00 USD or more

In order to download this tool you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $5 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Craeful VR Video and Art Gallery 3.2 GB
Readme file with instructions 3.1 kB

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